Lucida, Well-being Interior Design

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It Feels Like Home

By nora bouz - Well-being Building Designer

Home. This one word holds many meanings and expectations different for each. What a home might look like to me might not look quite the same to you. However, home does mean for us all a place of belonging, comfort, safety, and beauty. It is tightly connected to the place where we can kick off, relax, and reenergize.

"Feeling like home" has been the orientation and mantra for many industries. We see furniture design and manufacturing giants transforming the workplace into a casual and cozy space that feels like home to increase focus, creativity and productivity. Hospital designers just started to design rooms that resemble home to speed recovery, and hotels are creating a home atmosphere to help travellers distress, relax and elevate their experience.

And yet, we have seen home trends go far away from what a home feels like.

Mindful design looks at what really improves people's experience and life quality indoors. It realizes that trends are not always the answer to our complex contemporary life challenges. Home is not just a shelter; it's so much more, and we need to consider every aspect of our lives when designing our home.

Have a look into what home means to you. Don't fall for the clichés we have inherited, but ponder on what home feels like, looks like, and smells like. Then look around, in your own home and see what you find.

If you want to learn more about the impact of our surroundings on our well-being and what are the most impactful design elements you can use to transform your home, you might find these articles helpful:

The Healing Power Of Color

The Role of Art in Our Well-being

From Summer To Fall - 5 Steps To Transition Your Home and Your Life

What We Hang On Our Walls Matters

Color Design for the Cold Climate

Lighting and our physical well-being

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